Conditions Often Misdiagnosed as ADHD


The CDC has cited ADHD as the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder in children under 18. However, many conditions share ADHD symptoms which make correct diagnosis difficult. What’s worse is that this misdiagnosis leads to early administration of ADHD medication which can have negative effects on the misdiagnosed child.

As a psychiatry clinic in Houston, we consider alternative conditions instead of immediately jumping to conclusions. This helps prevent inaccurate treatment. Here are some common conditions misdiagnosed as ADHD:

  • Bipolar disorder
    The differences between bipolar disorder and ADHD are subtle that they may go unnoticed.
  • Autism
    Some behaviors of autistic children may mimic hyperactivity and social development issues in ADHD.
  • Low blood sugar levels
    Hypoglycemia may cause uncharacteristic aggression, hyperactivity, inability to sit still, and inability to concentrate.
  • Sensory processing disorders (SPD)
    Children with SPD can be oversensitive to touch, movement, body positions, sound, taste, sight, and smell. This can make them fluctuate from one activity to the next. They may have difficulty paying attention because they are overwhelmed.
  • Sleep disorders
    Children with sleep disorders may display symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, communicating, and following directions.

Sometimes children don’t suffer from ADHD or any medical condition either. They are simply being normal, easily excitable, or bored. It is important to get a reliable psychiatrist in Houston Texas to ensure a proper diagnosis.

Are you looking for a psychiatrist in Surprise, Arizona? Come on over to Sparks Psychiatry.

We provide various services including counseling, psychotherapy, depression medication, and others.

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